
R$ 999.999,00
Part Name Part Number
GE Magnetic Enclosure Power Supply 450009
MEPS 2124498
GPM Complete 2151183
Gradient Power Module – GPM 2154416
GIP Board 2169940
GIP Assembly 2169941
SGD Cabinet Complete 2169944
GPM PPBM Axis 2175599-2
GPM PPBM Axis 2175599-4
GPM Output Shelf 2175599-3
GPM Assembly  2175599
8980 SGD Base Power Supply unit 2176108
AN8290 SGD Profile Gradient 2178378
AN8103 2230683
AN8103 (One Shelf) 2230683
Body Quadrature TR Switch & Hybrid 2244307
GP Module 2244892
GP Module (ACGD) 2248992
Twin speed Grad Switch Box 2253466
RFI 2255388
1.5T RF Interface Module 2263188
ACGD (SGA) Gradient Amplifier 2270055
0.35T RFI 2271206
Body Hybrid 2274266
ACGD Gradient Power Supply 2284857
5V RF Module Digital PS 2292265
Driver Module  2296100
Excite Remote RF Module 2305884
ACGD/SGA Power Supply 2317092
ACGD Power Supply 2334862
AN8103 RF Amplifier (Half) 2351573
0.7T Openspeed Shim Supply 2352972
Int Head T/R Assembly 2362992
CrossPoint Switch 2362995
Mouse House 2375356
Driver Module 2379891
GOC Audio unit 2395043
HFA Control Board 2396050
Transmit Module 8/40/64Mhz 3058575
Receiver Module 8 to 65Mhz 3058583
RFCI Power Supply 3058955
CodiBox 0.2T 3105439
2kW RF amplifier  8.5Mhz 3105652
ADC Board 4687455
RFPA E6 Dora 4753062
TALES D6 4753112
PMU Converter 4755646
Body Tune Box, Quantum 4769910
SRI-3 5105270
1.5T RF amplifier (water cooled) for Hde AN8113 5107541
16 channel Cross point 5109645
Driver Module   5110612
HFA Gradient  5127606
Water Cooled SGA type gradient 5138099
HFA S-Lite Gradient Amp, 1.5T 5138076
Driver Module Lite, GE Hde 5138526
GP3 for HDX 5146875
1.5T RF amplifier (water cooled) for Hde AN8113 5159855
NMR DVMR Driver Module FRU Kit 5160446
HFA Gradient 5176921
XGD Gradient Amplifier 5184566
HFA Gradient 5310393
Water Cooled gradient 5341541
XFP Power Supply, Brivo 360, GE 5341543
CodiBox 0.2T 5774455
Quantum Gradient 5938142
Popeye Power stage 5938316
Quantum Light 5938720
Papillon 400 Gradient 5939447
Papillon 600 5940890
Body Tune Box, SYNGO 5941476
Siemens Body Tune Box 7366615
TALES   7391886
Siemens RFPA PORA 7392470
D100 Rectifier  7563021
XXL Gradient  7563955
Body Spine Array XXL C035 8635505
Head Array C035 8635554
2kW RF amplifier  14.6Mhz  (E6 CORA for Magnatom C) 10018237
TALES 3T 10018247
CodiBox Magnitome C  0.35T, 14.7Mhz 10019482
Resonant converter Mark III  (Infineon) (633-200TS) 33200182
RF System Controller Module (Erbrec 450008)  2124498-15
Gradient Processor Assembly  2248992-2
SGA Control Board  2250375-2
SGA Gradient Amplifier  2270055-2
SGA PS Assembly  2272460-2
Integrated Head T/R Assy  2296092-2
1.5T Preamplifier  46-264442G1
Dynamic Disable Bias Splitter BD  46-264784G1
Dynamic Disable Switch Box  46-264786G1
Patient Transport Table  46-265300G1
Long Motor Drive  46-271439G4
20 KW Erbtec Amplifier 86-013-0000, 6900000 With Tubes  46-271962P1
20 KW Erbtec Amplifier 86-013-0000, 6900000 Without Tubes  46-271962P1
Dock Power Supply  46-282078P1
Dynamic Disable Module  46-282090G2
Long Motor Drive Assembly  46-282360P1
RF Cabinet  46-282900G2
1.0T Receiver Board  46-287252G7
Crown 8607 Gradient Amp Module  46-287347P1
Scan Room Interface Board  46-288016G6
1.5T Pre Amp Protect  46-288510G1
Low Profile Preamp Protect  46-288510G4
Multi Coil Select Switch  46-288546G2
Cradle Assembly  46-301222G1
Dynamic Disable Module  46-301900G1
YC-156 TUBE  46-305000P1
VTAC Filter BD  46-305000P17
PA Input BD  46-305000P18
PA Phase Detect  46-305000P19
Power Control BD  46-305000P2
Blower Assembly  46-305000P24 
Pressure Transducer  46-305000P27
PA Anode Sense BD  46-305000P29
3CPX800A7 Tube   46-305000P3
AC Switching Module  46-305000P30
Solid State Amplifier  46-305000P31
Processor BD  46-305000P4
HV RECT/ Filter BD  46-305000P6
IPA Input BD  46-305000P8
RF Monitor Module  46-305000P9
1.0T Pre Amp Protect  46-306515G2
RF Cabinet  46-306900G1
1.5T Dynamic Disable  46-307299G1
0.5T Dynamic Disable  46-307299G2
Dynamic Disable Assmbly  46-307299G3
1.0T Dynamic Disable  46-307299G4
0.5T Erbtec RF Amplifier  46-307336P1
Snubber BD  46-307819P13
Snubber BD  46-307819P14
Gram Assembly  46-320147G1
1.0T Head TR Switch  46321336G1
Head t/R 1.0T  46-321336G1
High Profile Preamp Protect  46-328036G2
Pre Amp Protect 1.0T  46-328036G6
1.0T Erbtec Amp With Tubes  46-328127P1
1.0T Erbtec Amp Without Tubes  46-328127P1
Polyphase Buck Module  46-328206P114
8645 Gradient Amplifier  46-328206P115 
1.5T System Cabinet  46-328456G1
0.5T System Cabinet  46-328456G2
1.0T System Cabinet  46-328456G6
AN8295 Gradient Amp. Sub-Component Power Supply 10-60297-01
Dynamic Pin Driver Board 2124498-12
Long Drive Board 2124498-16
High Current Board (for MEPS) 2124498-3
Low Current Boarrd (For MEPS) 2124498-4
APB 2124498-8
Mini Gram Power Supply 2154416-2
GPM Power Supply 2154416-3
Power Supply, 3 Brd. Set (2160200-10, 11 & 12) 2160200-09
HV Board  2160200-10
Dock Light 2160200-11
H Bridge 2160200-12
SSM (1.5, 1.0)   2160200-43
SSM (.35, .7) 2160200-45
CPD Board 2160200-5
APM Board for SSM 2160200-6
SGD Mini Gram 2169727-2
SGD Gradient Amp 2169727-3
RF Amplifier Power Module, 1T, TOYO 2170783P4
GE, 0.2T TGA0802 RF Amp, 2kW 2211724-2
Mouse House 2218400-2
Analogic AN8102, 0.7T 2243079-2
Analogic AN8102, 1.5T and 0.7T 2224562
SGD Power Supply Unit for AN8280 2273028-2
ACGD Power Supply 2317092-2
GP3, GP1 2331400
HFA Gradient Amplifier 2393906-2
AN8110 2KW RF Amplifier 1034-0008
 GCP Board 46-264380GB 
1.5 Head TR Switch 46-264988G1
Head T/R 1.5T 46-264988G1
Patient Transport Table 46-265300G1
1.5T and 1.0T Body Hybrid Splitter 46-321312G3
AN8295Y  Gradient amplifier 5112582
AN8295Y  Gradient amplifier 5118227
HFA Gradient 5189221-2
Resonant converter 633-100
Analogic AN8101 AN8101
Analogic AN8110 2KW RF Amp AN8110
MKS/Erhorn RF Amplifiers Multiple
MR-PA  ; 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Multiple
53-S30-XX and 54-S30  RF AMP Philips MKS RF Amp., S30
XX-S35 RF AMP Philips MKS RF Amp., S35
MR HFO HP XW8000 Computer 2368697-18
DARC2 without DIP Board (Westerville) 5114772-100
Z800 Computer, C2 chipset, BIOS3.21 5700000-3
Volume Reconstruction Box VERB1 5255299-30
SV ICN (X4170) : Supported by IB1 and later Software 5337894-10
HDxt Image Computer Node (Sun 4170M2, Gen. 4.1, 32-Channel ICN) 5911000-5
CTPET HP8200 with FX1400 Graphics Card and 4GB Memory 5117866-28
VCT DARC Ed 2, with VCT DIP 64 5114523-2
Sun 4170 Gen 3 32CH ICN 5337894-2
NIO64 Z820 computer GOC6.6 6450000-20
NIO64HD Computer – HP Z800 6400000-10
EXCITE PLUS HP8400 MR Host Computer 5183547-31
MR Excite Host Linux PC HP 8200 5117866-25
VIG 2 with VRAC 2 5159834-2
VIG Computer – with updated VRAC 5114533-2
Sunfire 4170 Image Compute Node 5911000-4
Data Acquisition and Recon Control Computer compatible with 4 and 8 slice MDAS 5147442-2
VIG With VRAC Improved 5159834-3
Darc 2 without DIP (Jarrell) 5147442-100
SUN 4170 ICN (16 Channel) 5337894-3
DARC 1, 16-slice MDAS and GDAS 2362870-10
HP Z800 COMPUTER 5391136
VIG 5159834-2
Dell T5810 Host PC 8770011-21
Image Generator Lightspeed 2362872
Image Compute Node HDx 5127452
HP 9300 Host Workstation 5143798-14
MR HDMR-2 Host HP 9300 Workstation 5143798-2
4/8 Slice MDAS DARC 2 (Westerville) 5114772-2
CTPET HP8200 with FX1500 Graphics Card and 4GB Memory 5117866-51
Sun 4100 Image Compute Node 5127452-3
IRS3 TCR 8377793
MR HDE2 HOST HP8400 5183547-55
VDIG2 and VRB2 Assy 5255299-101
VDIG1 and VRB1 Assy 5255299-100
HP XW8400 Workstation VCT 5183547-38
Z400 Host Computer GOC 6.5 5800000
MR HDXT Host 5183547-41
VDARC – Volume Data Acq Recon Control Computer, 2nd Edition (Jarrell) 5159833
Z400 HDxT Host Computer 5370415-3
MR – DV MCF z400 Host 5370415-10
VRB2 – VERB – VOLUME RECO 5255299-31
Image Compute Node – Gen 2 with VRF (ICN) 5127452-2
Lightspeed HP XW8000 Computer-CT 2368697-3
DARC 2 for 4 Slice SDAS (Jarrell) 5147442-3
VDIG 1 5255299-20
DARC 2 RECON COMPUTER (Jarrell) 5147442
MR VALUE 1.5T Host XW9300 5143798-15
HP 8000XW MRI Computer 2368697-8
XW8200 AW4.3 Workstation 5117866-43
Image Generator Lightspeed 5147443-2
Value ICN 5130108
DARC 2 (Jarrell) 5147442
Jarrel IG 5147443
Scan Data Disk Array – GRE 2362873
Peripheral Tower USB, 2 – bay black enclosure with DVD-RAM RW Drives 5270510-3
SCSI Tower 5116391-2
Peripheral Tower 1-Bay Black Enclosure & Silver Bezel with DVD-RW Drive 5270510-22
ACGD/SGA Power Supply 2334862
3T Head T/R Switch 2362992
SCSI Tower 2381744
1.5T Integrated Head Assembly 2296092-2
HD Driver Module 5110612-2
Neslab 60 HZ Gradient Chiller 2222564-2
50 and 60 Chiller By Lytron 2222564-30
GP3 Module 2331400-2
Flowmeter – Water Flow Turbine Assembly 2333825
Patient Handling Power Supply Magnet Power Supply 5189876
SCSI Tower 46-325201P243
B Bezel Cable Harness~ Hypertronics, 16 Channel 5371622-52
Dual Bay Peripheral Tower with Mod and DVDRAM Drives 5167410
Patient Handling Power Supply for Halogen PAL 5109368

Avenida Vereador José Diniz, 3720 - cj. 907
São Paulo - SP, bairro: Campo Belo - 04604-007
CNPJ: 28.309.500/0001-29

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Part Name Part Number
GE Magnetic Enclosure Power Supply 450009
MEPS 2124498
GPM Complete 2151183
Gradient Power Module – GPM 2154416
GIP Board 2169940
GIP Assembly 2169941
SGD Cabinet Complete 2169944
GPM PPBM Axis 2175599-2
GPM PPBM Axis 2175599-4
GPM Output Shelf 2175599-3
GPM Assembly  2175599
8980 SGD Base Power Supply unit 2176108
AN8290 SGD Profile Gradient 2178378
AN8103 2230683
AN8103 (One Shelf) 2230683
Body Quadrature TR Switch & Hybrid 2244307
GP Module 2244892
GP Module (ACGD) 2248992
Twin speed Grad Switch Box 2253466
RFI 2255388
1.5T RF Interface Module 2263188
ACGD (SGA) Gradient Amplifier 2270055
0.35T RFI 2271206
Body Hybrid 2274266
ACGD Gradient Power Supply 2284857
5V RF Module Digital PS 2292265
Driver Module  2296100
Excite Remote RF Module 2305884
ACGD/SGA Power Supply 2317092
ACGD Power Supply 2334862
AN8103 RF Amplifier (Half) 2351573
0.7T Openspeed Shim Supply 2352972
Int Head T/R Assembly 2362992
CrossPoint Switch 2362995
Mouse House 2375356
Driver Module 2379891
GOC Audio unit 2395043
HFA Control Board 2396050
Transmit Module 8/40/64Mhz 3058575
Receiver Module 8 to 65Mhz 3058583
RFCI Power Supply 3058955
CodiBox 0.2T 3105439
2kW RF amplifier  8.5Mhz 3105652
ADC Board 4687455
RFPA E6 Dora 4753062
TALES D6 4753112
PMU Converter 4755646
Body Tune Box, Quantum 4769910
SRI-3 5105270
1.5T RF amplifier (water cooled) for Hde AN8113 5107541
16 channel Cross point 5109645
Driver Module   5110612
HFA Gradient  5127606
Water Cooled SGA type gradient 5138099
HFA S-Lite Gradient Amp, 1.5T 5138076
Driver Module Lite, GE Hde 5138526
GP3 for HDX 5146875
1.5T RF amplifier (water cooled) for Hde AN8113 5159855
NMR DVMR Driver Module FRU Kit 5160446
HFA Gradient 5176921
XGD Gradient Amplifier 5184566
HFA Gradient 5310393
Water Cooled gradient 5341541
XFP Power Supply, Brivo 360, GE 5341543
CodiBox 0.2T 5774455
Quantum Gradient 5938142
Popeye Power stage 5938316
Quantum Light 5938720
Papillon 400 Gradient 5939447
Papillon 600 5940890
Body Tune Box, SYNGO 5941476
Siemens Body Tune Box 7366615
TALES   7391886
Siemens RFPA PORA 7392470
D100 Rectifier  7563021
XXL Gradient  7563955
Body Spine Array XXL C035 8635505
Head Array C035 8635554
2kW RF amplifier  14.6Mhz  (E6 CORA for Magnatom C) 10018237
TALES 3T 10018247
CodiBox Magnitome C  0.35T, 14.7Mhz 10019482
Resonant converter Mark III  (Infineon) (633-200TS) 33200182
RF System Controller Module (Erbrec 450008)  2124498-15
Gradient Processor Assembly  2248992-2
SGA Control Board  2250375-2
SGA Gradient Amplifier  2270055-2
SGA PS Assembly  2272460-2
Integrated Head T/R Assy  2296092-2
1.5T Preamplifier  46-264442G1
Dynamic Disable Bias Splitter BD  46-264784G1
Dynamic Disable Switch Box  46-264786G1
Patient Transport Table  46-265300G1
Long Motor Drive  46-271439G4
20 KW Erbtec Amplifier 86-013-0000, 6900000 With Tubes  46-271962P1
20 KW Erbtec Amplifier 86-013-0000, 6900000 Without Tubes  46-271962P1
Dock Power Supply  46-282078P1
Dynamic Disable Module  46-282090G2
Long Motor Drive Assembly  46-282360P1
RF Cabinet  46-282900G2
1.0T Receiver Board  46-287252G7
Crown 8607 Gradient Amp Module  46-287347P1
Scan Room Interface Board  46-288016G6
1.5T Pre Amp Protect  46-288510G1
Low Profile Preamp Protect  46-288510G4
Multi Coil Select Switch  46-288546G2
Cradle Assembly  46-301222G1
Dynamic Disable Module  46-301900G1
YC-156 TUBE  46-305000P1
VTAC Filter BD  46-305000P17
PA Input BD  46-305000P18
PA Phase Detect  46-305000P19
Power Control BD  46-305000P2
Blower Assembly  46-305000P24 
Pressure Transducer  46-305000P27
PA Anode Sense BD  46-305000P29
3CPX800A7 Tube   46-305000P3
AC Switching Module  46-305000P30
Solid State Amplifier  46-305000P31
Processor BD  46-305000P4
HV RECT/ Filter BD  46-305000P6
IPA Input BD  46-305000P8
RF Monitor Module  46-305000P9
1.0T Pre Amp Protect  46-306515G2
RF Cabinet  46-306900G1
1.5T Dynamic Disable  46-307299G1
0.5T Dynamic Disable  46-307299G2
Dynamic Disable Assmbly  46-307299G3
1.0T Dynamic Disable  46-307299G4
0.5T Erbtec RF Amplifier  46-307336P1
Snubber BD  46-307819P13
Snubber BD  46-307819P14
Gram Assembly  46-320147G1
1.0T Head TR Switch  46321336G1
Head t/R 1.0T  46-321336G1
High Profile Preamp Protect  46-328036G2
Pre Amp Protect 1.0T  46-328036G6
1.0T Erbtec Amp With Tubes  46-328127P1
1.0T Erbtec Amp Without Tubes  46-328127P1
Polyphase Buck Module  46-328206P114
8645 Gradient Amplifier  46-328206P115 
1.5T System Cabinet  46-328456G1
0.5T System Cabinet  46-328456G2
1.0T System Cabinet  46-328456G6
AN8295 Gradient Amp. Sub-Component Power Supply 10-60297-01
Dynamic Pin Driver Board 2124498-12
Long Drive Board 2124498-16
High Current Board (for MEPS) 2124498-3
Low Current Boarrd (For MEPS) 2124498-4
APB 2124498-8
Mini Gram Power Supply 2154416-2
GPM Power Supply 2154416-3
Power Supply, 3 Brd. Set (2160200-10, 11 & 12) 2160200-09
HV Board  2160200-10
Dock Light 2160200-11
H Bridge 2160200-12
SSM (1.5, 1.0)   2160200-43
SSM (.35, .7) 2160200-45
CPD Board 2160200-5
APM Board for SSM 2160200-6
SGD Mini Gram 2169727-2
SGD Gradient Amp 2169727-3
RF Amplifier Power Module, 1T, TOYO 2170783P4
GE, 0.2T TGA0802 RF Amp, 2kW 2211724-2
Mouse House 2218400-2
Analogic AN8102, 0.7T 2243079-2
Analogic AN8102, 1.5T and 0.7T 2224562
SGD Power Supply Unit for AN8280 2273028-2
ACGD Power Supply 2317092-2
GP3, GP1 2331400
HFA Gradient Amplifier 2393906-2
AN8110 2KW RF Amplifier 1034-0008
 GCP Board 46-264380GB 
1.5 Head TR Switch 46-264988G1
Head T/R 1.5T 46-264988G1
Patient Transport Table 46-265300G1
1.5T and 1.0T Body Hybrid Splitter 46-321312G3
AN8295Y  Gradient amplifier 5112582
AN8295Y  Gradient amplifier 5118227
HFA Gradient 5189221-2
Resonant converter 633-100
Analogic AN8101 AN8101
Analogic AN8110 2KW RF Amp AN8110
MKS/Erhorn RF Amplifiers Multiple
MR-PA  ; 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Multiple
53-S30-XX and 54-S30  RF AMP Philips MKS RF Amp., S30
XX-S35 RF AMP Philips MKS RF Amp., S35
MR HFO HP XW8000 Computer 2368697-18
DARC2 without DIP Board (Westerville) 5114772-100
Z800 Computer, C2 chipset, BIOS3.21 5700000-3
Volume Reconstruction Box VERB1 5255299-30
SV ICN (X4170) : Supported by IB1 and later Software 5337894-10
HDxt Image Computer Node (Sun 4170M2, Gen. 4.1, 32-Channel ICN) 5911000-5
CTPET HP8200 with FX1400 Graphics Card and 4GB Memory 5117866-28
VCT DARC Ed 2, with VCT DIP 64 5114523-2
Sun 4170 Gen 3 32CH ICN 5337894-2
NIO64 Z820 computer GOC6.6 6450000-20
NIO64HD Computer – HP Z800 6400000-10
EXCITE PLUS HP8400 MR Host Computer 5183547-31
MR Excite Host Linux PC HP 8200 5117866-25
VIG 2 with VRAC 2 5159834-2
VIG Computer – with updated VRAC 5114533-2
Sunfire 4170 Image Compute Node 5911000-4
Data Acquisition and Recon Control Computer compatible with 4 and 8 slice MDAS 5147442-2
VIG With VRAC Improved 5159834-3
Darc 2 without DIP (Jarrell) 5147442-100
SUN 4170 ICN (16 Channel) 5337894-3
DARC 1, 16-slice MDAS and GDAS 2362870-10
HP Z800 COMPUTER 5391136
VIG 5159834-2
Dell T5810 Host PC 8770011-21
Image Generator Lightspeed 2362872
Image Compute Node HDx 5127452
HP 9300 Host Workstation 5143798-14
MR HDMR-2 Host HP 9300 Workstation 5143798-2
4/8 Slice MDAS DARC 2 (Westerville) 5114772-2
CTPET HP8200 with FX1500 Graphics Card and 4GB Memory 5117866-51
Sun 4100 Image Compute Node 5127452-3
IRS3 TCR 8377793
MR HDE2 HOST HP8400 5183547-55
VDIG2 and VRB2 Assy 5255299-101
VDIG1 and VRB1 Assy 5255299-100
HP XW8400 Workstation VCT 5183547-38
Z400 Host Computer GOC 6.5 5800000
MR HDXT Host 5183547-41
VDARC – Volume Data Acq Recon Control Computer, 2nd Edition (Jarrell) 5159833
Z400 HDxT Host Computer 5370415-3
MR – DV MCF z400 Host 5370415-10
VRB2 – VERB – VOLUME RECO 5255299-31
Image Compute Node – Gen 2 with VRF (ICN) 5127452-2
Lightspeed HP XW8000 Computer-CT 2368697-3
DARC 2 for 4 Slice SDAS (Jarrell) 5147442-3
VDIG 1 5255299-20
DARC 2 RECON COMPUTER (Jarrell) 5147442
MR VALUE 1.5T Host XW9300 5143798-15
HP 8000XW MRI Computer 2368697-8
XW8200 AW4.3 Workstation 5117866-43
Image Generator Lightspeed 5147443-2
Value ICN 5130108
DARC 2 (Jarrell) 5147442
Jarrel IG 5147443
Scan Data Disk Array – GRE 2362873
Peripheral Tower USB, 2 – bay black enclosure with DVD-RAM RW Drives 5270510-3
SCSI Tower 5116391-2
Peripheral Tower 1-Bay Black Enclosure & Silver Bezel with DVD-RW Drive 5270510-22
ACGD/SGA Power Supply 2334862
3T Head T/R Switch 2362992
SCSI Tower 2381744
1.5T Integrated Head Assembly 2296092-2
HD Driver Module 5110612-2
Neslab 60 HZ Gradient Chiller 2222564-2
50 and 60 Chiller By Lytron 2222564-30
GP3 Module 2331400-2
Flowmeter – Water Flow Turbine Assembly 2333825
Patient Handling Power Supply Magnet Power Supply 5189876
SCSI Tower 46-325201P243
B Bezel Cable Harness~ Hypertronics, 16 Channel 5371622-52
Dual Bay Peripheral Tower with Mod and DVDRAM Drives 5167410
Patient Handling Power Supply for Halogen PAL 5109368

Avenida Vereador José Diniz, 3720 - cj. 907
São Paulo - SP, bairro: Campo Belo - 04604-007
CNPJ: 28.309.500/0001-29

Faturamos a prazo, oferecemos desconto para pagamento à vista. Impostos inclusos, parcelamos em até 12x sem juros no cartão. Produtos originais e valores unitários. Atendemos e fornecemos para todo o Brasil.

Emitimos NFe, nota fiscal eletrônica. Enviamos ou retira os produtos na cidade de São Paulo, SP. Compre com segurança e procedência. Produtos com garantia, temos experiência e suporte. Somos especialistas em TI.

Por favor clique em Solicitar proposta. Desta forma receberá a proposta em .pdf no seu email.

Estabelecemos parcerias com revendas. Solicitamos que utilize os preços do site como referência de orçamentos, licitações e propostas para seu cliente.

Favor pesquisar pelos produtos em nosso site, depois clique em Solicitar proposta. Desta forma receberá a proposta em .pdf no seu email.

Oferecemos opcionalmente o faturamos direto para seu cliente com fidelização para sua empresa (vendas e atendimento exclusivo seu) e com comissionamento (pagamos comissão pela intermediação) para a revenda.

Clique em Solicitar proposta. Desta forma receberá a proposta em .pdf no seu email.

Produtos originais e compatibilidade garantida.

Fornecemos para diversas empresas em todo o Brasil.

Faturamos a prazo no boleto e emitimos NFe, nota fiscal eletrônica.

Despachamos ou retira os produtos na cidade de São Paulo, SP.

Valores unitários. Compre com segurança, procedência e garantia. Temos experiência e suporte. Somos especialistas em T.I.